Enjoy the view with greater comfort

IQUE is the architecture window film brand of V-KOOL and it was developed to meet architectural flat glass applications.

IQUE offers ideal solution for architects, building project managers, business and homeowners who seek the freedom to maximese glass-dependent design without compromising on comfort.

Architectural product : IQUE 73 FG | IQUE 53 GII | VK VIP

Contact Us (088224742093)

Enjoy the view with greater comfort

IQUE is the architecture window film brand of V-KOOL and it was developed to meet architectural flat glass applications.

IQUE offers ideal solution for architects, building project managers, business and homeowners who seek the freedom to maximese glass-dependent design without compromising on comfort.

Architectural product : IQUE 73 FG | IQUE 53 GII | VK VIP

Contact Us (088224742093)

Ribuan hunian telah berhemat berkat V-KOOL.
Hubungi kami untuk order: (021)22686433 / (021)22623792

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Hubungi V-KOOL
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